PillCam – a camera for your guts

For those suffering from the pain and embarrassment of colonoscopy procedures, there is good news. PillCam is a tiny pill-sized camera which can be swallowed just like any other pill. The device will wirelessly beams photos of the digestive system to a storage device on your waist. Doctor can then review the resulting video. PillCam is… Continue reading PillCam – a camera for your guts

Want to see Google Glass at work in the hospital?

Ever wonder how Google Glass can be used in a hospital setting? The following futuristic video from Philips Healthcare and Accenture shows what’s possible. Practicality aside, the concept does looks cool! Do you think wearable computing will catch on with hospitals? Want to see Google Glass at work in the hospital? Philips, Accenture offer a… Continue reading Want to see Google Glass at work in the hospital?

First use of Google Glass in surgery

Dr. Grossman  is the first surgeon to use Google Glass to stream video in surgery, see the following blog post: “OK Glass: hand me the scalpel, please…” GoogleGlass during surgery! | @ZGJR Blog. As mentioned in the article, could this technology open up new potential in intra-operative consultations and medical education?

Save Money by Making Devices Interoperable with EMR

A study by West Health has concluded that if the industry could improve medical device interoperability and adhere to interoperability standards,  it could shave $30 billion off of U.S. healthcare costs. Question is, how long do we have to wait until the interoperability exists? Making Devices Interoperable Offers $30B Savings Opportunity | Hospital EMR and… Continue reading Save Money by Making Devices Interoperable with EMR